Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I know I haven't posted in a while! At this point, I have a laptop that won't turn on.  Don't feel bad for me, I still have an iPad, but it's not ideal for blogging. I don't even know how to download pictures to it!

I have a large cooking job upcoming, so I'll be preparing for that. Today I made ten pounds of fudge, four batches of molasses cookie batter, and a triple batch of truffles.

I miss posting on here, but Rob has been traveling for a while. Hopefully he'll have time to take my laptop to our computer technician (soon).

I hope you're all doing well! We're enjoying the flowering spring trees in our neighborhood, Josh's first volleyball season, Kate's soccer games, and our guinea girls.

I've just acquired my first iPhone, so hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to do short posts on there. I'd also love any advice on Instagram or twitter, so any help would be appreciated!

At any rate, I hope we can catch up soon!

Kirsten :)


  1. Can I come to your house and taste the fudge, cookies and truffles? I know you need someone to make sure they taste good. I don't have an iphone yet so I can't give advice there -- will be getting one in the next month or so and will then be asking you for advice.

  2. 10lbs of fudge!!!!!!!
    I have a twitter account but rarely tweet. I use it more to follow people.
    I have an Instagram account but have forgotten my password, that's how much I use it.

  3. I think you should send about half of that 10 lbs of fudge to Australia. Marg and I need to taste test it for you to make sure it's alright ...
