Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I wanted to share with you the update on the cinnamon roll project.  I think it's safe to say that we have blessed quite a few people - As a quick recap: I made cinnamon rolls to sell and all of the proceeds were to be donated to the York Cancer Food Pantry and to a family within our school district.  We were matched with a family that includes two little boys, one in kindergarden and the other in third grade. 

I was able to purchase winter coats, hats and gloves, long johns, sweatshirts, pajamas, pants, and shirts.  They were also hoping to get the WWE wrestling belt - Target had the super-fancy one on sale and I grabbed two! 

All wrapped up and ready to drop off - five shopping bags full!  The blue wrapping paper is for the kindergardner and the red for the third grader - I hope they love them. 

I called the Pantry and they requested toiletries, household goods, and canned fruit.  I tried to buy about five of each item.

I also was able to buy lots of paper towels, peanut butter, toilet paper, and feminine products. 

I grabbed juice boxes, dried apricots, tissues, and canned fruit at Giant. 

I had a very full vehicle!

Thank you to one and all for your support of our little project!  To say that our hearts were touched by participating is an understatement. 


  1. so awesome, kirs! what a fun project from start to finish! its neat you're using your talents to bless others.

  2. Oh My Goodness. That's amazing!

    I cannot beleive how much you donated. You worked so hard with this project. Im truly humbled just to see your efforts. Amazing Kirsten. Just wonderful. Well done .

  3. Can you believe it, Mrs P? There were some great deals at Target and our grocery store - and I had so many generous friends that participated! I actually had one friend that dropped off eight used winter coats and two garbage bags of packaged toys! It really was a humbling experience.
    Thanks for your support through the whole thing! :)

  4. Kirs-doesn't it make you feel great to know that such acts of kindness will truly bless families this year? It's a neat thing for the kiddos to be a part of & help with too. We had a "team contest" at work to help fill the needs of many families through the school's nurses' fund. Today we took a pickup full of supplies to the pantry for distribution. It's as much a blessing to give as it is to receive! Have a great week!

  5. That's amazing Kirsten. I too can't believe how much you were able to donate. That is so wonderful. It must have made all that hard work so worthwhile, knowing you have helped so many people.
