Thursday, December 22, 2011

Do you "thank-you note"?

As we're knee-deep in the "season of giving" and receiving, I am declaring my resolution to be a better "thank-you noter". 

I once read that you should send a thank-you note to anyone who has done something for you that took more than 15 minutes.  Wow.  I guess I'll need to stock up a bit on stamps and stationary. 

I think a short, well-written note goes very far in creating respect for yourself.  I totally applaud people who excel at being thankful!

My mom has a friend who is the best "tyn" (thank-you noter) that I've ever met.  Literally, if you do something for her, the next day in your mailbox is a note waiting for you.  She must mail out the notes the second she returns home from being in your presence!  There are several people I already know who ascribe to the "Janice Raub School of Thank-You Noting" - my sister, my mom, my husband, and my father-in-law.  My sister-in-laws also do a great job. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is.....let's bring back the thank-you note!  Let's work hard to teach our children this long-lost tradition and to thank all of the people who enrich our lives. 

Well - I'm off to write a thank-you note to my aunt and the director of our church children's musical!


  1. oops, I am just as bad. I was saying this year I was going to be better about TY notes also. :)

  2. I WANT to be a great TYN-er, but I must make lists (I'm an awesome LM - List Maker)! Currently, right next to me on my desk, on my list of things to do in the very near future, there are 6 TYNs I need to send out! Daunting!

    I was further inspired to keep up with this when I received a TYN from my little brother-in-law for the Thanksgiving meal we hosted! WOW! A boy sent a thank you note!? I better get on my game!

    This was a great post, and helped inspire me to have all of those TYNs out by tomorrow. Thank You! (This comment is my official thank you note to you, though.)

  3. Writing Thank You notes is something I really liked about being in the States. Here in Germany people are not very much accustomed to doing that.
    I do think it is a good tradition to keep up and I try to write thank you notes whenever I can...

  4. I have always been a crappy tyn. I will resolve to be better this year. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I'm not so good on the thank you notes. I used to be better at it but have let it slide in the last few years. Thanks for the timely reminder.
