Yesterday was our twelve-year anniversary. It was very romantic. Rob spent the better part of the day in our master bathroom. Seriously. Our master bathroom has been a work in progress for the better part of the last year. When we bought our house at public auction over eight years ago, it was very dated. Parts of it will always be very dated, but we've tried to update a little bit at a time. The master bathroom was an explosion of pink. The walls, toilet, shower, sink, and floor were all pink. My mother-in-law tried to tell me that retro is trendy. Maybe I'm just not trendy!
My husband works very hard. He runs a non-profit foundation, maintains investment clients, volunteers a large portion of his time with a family non-profit, and manages to be a very involved father and husband. The fact that he devoted his time this past week to finishing our basement into a playroom for the kids and finishing our master bathroom project is the most romantic thing he could have ever done for me.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I am impossibly practical. We have never really "celebrated" our anniversary. This may be due to the fact that our marriage didn't exactly have illustrious beginnings. My mom and I had always argued about the merits of a big wedding. She dreamed of a big wedding for me and I never wanted one. The fact that we arrived home on winter break during our junior year of college and informed everyone we wanted to be married before we returned in two weeks made the decision for us. I was quite relieved and our wedding was exactly what I wanted it to be. Small, low-key, and involving only close family. I'm not saying that I haven't attended very meaningful weddings, I just never wanted that for myself. I just wasn't comfortable with the amount of money my parents would be spending on one day and I really don't enjoy being the center of attention. All this to say, I've decided to celebrate my marriage instead of celebrating an anniversary.
I like to take care of my husband and to serve him every day. When he does something like taking his time to do a project that's important to me, that's way better than buying me flowers that were overpriced and will die in less than a week! Now, before you think we're some kind of poster children for a perfect marriage, just ask anyone who know us: we fight fairly regularly. When two firstborns marry, sparks fly (sometimes good, sometimes bad). What I am amazed with, though, is that even with all the stresses we faced as a young couple, we have thrived. I truly believe this is a testament to praying parents. Statistics were not in our favor, yet the Lord has truly blessed us.
Please understand I don't feel like anniversaries shouldn't be celebrated! Also understand that I think big weddings are a special way to celebrate a new life together. I have simply chosen that we will celebrate a little differently. The fact that we have two daughters will prove insightful as we navigate their wishes for a nuptial celebration. I will undoubtedly struggle as I battle between my practicality and their wishes. I am fairly certain that to make my daughters feel special I will probably have to put aside my own tendencies. Perhaps I should let my husband help plan the weddings. He does things like take our kids toy shopping. They returned home yesterday with "dinosaur goop". This drives me crazy, that they would pick something out that has no purpose! Last year on the fourth of July he drove three hours one way to get the best fireworks I've ever seen outside of a professional show. My husband is the most fun, thoughtful, kind, and generous partner I could have ever picked to go through this life with!
This post is about as sentimental as I get and let me just encourage you to celebrate your family, friendships, marriage, and all of your blessings everyday - don't wait for a special occasion!
You're so funny. The last sentence made me laugh. 2 posts in one day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! Oh, I mean - Happy Marriage! :)
Love this! I agree on all of the above. Curt and I often choose to get one another very practical gifts, and we participated in a big wedding mainly for our parents' sake (they wanted everyone and everyone's neighbors to be able to come, haha) otherwise we would have simple had a small, intimate ceremony. The entire day I kept telling myself "I just have to get through this, then onto the best part: the marriage!" I am not one to have a bunch of people staring at, and congratulating me, it makes my armpits sweat! Ha. Curt's the same way.
ReplyDeleteGlad that Rob made the bathroom fabulous and congrats on your anniversary!