Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In the span of one minute, a mere 60 seconds, I witnessed this

1.  Bossiness and indifference

2.  Incredulity - note the universal expression, "but mom"

3.  Not sure what this was - a nose itch?

5.  Now we've forgotten all about the drama - they were fighting over who got to drop the icicle off of the porch.

6.  Hamming it up.

7.  Posing for a picture. 

All in 60 seconds - I timed it.  Wish me luck for the future. 


  1. Love the pics Kirs, and LOVE LOVE LOVE those girlies!!! Their drama is welcome here anytime!!

  2. Dad says... I love all of my girls... BUT I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!
